Friday, June 24, 2011

Katharine's infamous style hypnotized designer Calvin Klein

“In 1930, she wore pants and suits considered scandalous; today, they are sensational,” said designer Calvin Klein, honoring Hepburn with a lifetime achievement award from the Council of Fashion Designers in 1986. “They have prompted generations of fashion designers to capture her vitality and spirit.” She was honored for her nonchalant style with a lifetime achievement award in recognition of her role as a non-conformist in the world of modern fashion, and she has been referenced by designers consistently for years. 
Calvin Klein's All-American aesthetic and simple collections repeatedly contain a link to Hepburn’s masculine style, with loose shirts and blouses tucked into wide, ankle skimming trousers. He seems to be continuously inspired by Katharine Hepburn, here is a recent ad campaigns that is heavily influenced by this strong female.

1 comment:

  1. katharine hepburn is one of my all time favorite actresses. she's so talented and i love her guts! awesome lady she is.
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